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Selected Publications

Literary Hub

The Master, Margarita, and I: Paul Goldberg on the Third Rail of the Russian Classic

June 6, 2023

The Master and Margarita quickly became one of the most-read works of Russian literature, and its popularity seems to expand even as readers acknowledge not being able to understand much if any of it. I sympathize. Though this novel drew me in at a young age, and though I re-read it often, our relationship has required much maintenance and has not been harmonious.

The Jerusalem Post

'How the Soviet Jew Was Made': When Jews migrated to Russia's cities - review

May 25, 2023

In this book, literature comes first, history is mixed in second. Thus, discussion of Isaac Babel, David Bergelson and Moyshe Kulbak acquires a panoramic perspective.

The Jerusalem Post

Accidental Czar: Russia's Putin is a real-life comic-book villain - review

February 3, 2023

Accidental Czar packs its punch by sticking to the facts as we see how Russia's Vladimir Putin went from chasing rats to threatening world peace.

The Jerusalem Post

'The Literary Mafia': The myth that Jews control publishing - review

September 24, 2022

Did the Jews act mafia-style to promote their own, perhaps swinging the votes of those National Book Award juries? According to author Josh Lambert: No.

The Washington Post

Stalin's absurd arrest & execution of his devoted meteorologist

January 13, 2018

Jewish Book Council

Po-wer-ful: Fashioning the Character of Joseph Stalin

February 18, 2016

Ear­li­er this week, author Paul Gold­berg wrote about the fam­i­ly sto­ries that sparked The Yid and the pop­u­lar­i­ty of King Lear in mid­cen­tu­ry Moscow and Yid­dish the­ater. With the release of his first nov­el, Paul has been guest blog­ging as a Vis­it­ing Scribe all week here on The ProsenPeo­ple.

Jewish Book Council

We Don’t Get to Choose Our Material

February 16, 2016

As a jour­nal­ist, I sep­a­rate fact from fable. As a nov­el­ist, I go through the same process, but keep the fable. You need facts to ground a sto­ry; you need fables make it soar.

Jewish Book Council

Lear’s Warn­ing

February 15, 2016

Imag­ine Moscow in late Feb­ru­ary of 1953.


Claiming the Yid

January 25, 2016

I grew up in Moscow, speaking a surprising amount of Yiddish for a secular kid born in 1959. I could haggle with my grandmother about whether the weather required that a hat be worn, and I knew the meaning of the colorful insults my grandparents lovingly flung at each other.


Something About Commedia

January 25, 2016

A Bit Contrived features interviews with authors who exist about books that don't, with covers designed by people who do

Jewish Book Council

Moscow 1953: The Czardom of Black Cats and Black Marias

January 19, 2016

Excerpt­ed from The Yid: A Nov­el by Paul Gold­berg, pub­lished by arrange­ment with Picador.

The New York Times

Survival Course

July 19, 1998

Book review: A memoir of a Polish Jew who lived through Stalin's gulag to become a surgeon in Iowa.


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© 2023 by Paul Goldberg

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